Flat Earthers Are Pseudoscience

3 Reasons Why A Flat Earth Is Pseudoscience 

     Flat Earth: A Denial of Physics

This is my first blog post debunking the best and dumbest pseudoscience(fake science and pure bullshit), so I thought I would start with something easy and hopefully a subject that wouldn't bring too much hate. Although I'd love to debate and actual believer. So...my first thought when I heard about a Modern Flat Earth Movement was "Is this a joke? This has to be a joke! There's nobody that stupid." I should have known better. People can always surprise you with their stupidity. 

Claim #1: All Space Travel Is A Conspiracy!

The easiest way for a sane intelligent person to disprove the Flat Earth movement is to simply show them one of the countless photos of the Earth taken from astronauts, satellites, weather balloons etc. showing a round Earth. Well according to the Flat Earth believers the generally accepted answer to space photos is that everything about space travel is a conspiracy. "It was faked for money, it's a scientific scam by NASA, the government uses space to control our brains and E.T. was a documentary, but they made it into a movie to hide the truth in plain sight."

Why It's Bullshit -

The fact they specifically use the word "conspiracy" is an admission on their part that the Flat Earth believers  are a conspiracy group. If Flat Earther's want to claim one conspiracy without any evidence they would have to join the rest of the nut-jobs who think 9/11 was a Conspiracy, the Roswell Landing Conspiracy, Loch Ness Monster Conspiracy and any other paranoid madness which basically boils down to thinking "The world is out to get me." In fact the DSM 5 describes paranoia disorder as ". . .generally characterized by having a long-standing pattern of pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others." To put that in layman's terms: these people are just batshit crazy.

Claim #2: Empirical Evidence Supports A Flat Earth!

Flat Earthers claim that using the five sense you are born with will support the idea that the Earth is flat and those 5 senses should be trusted over the evidence provided by photos, scientists, textbooks and all that fancy "proof" that scientists love. They also claim that photos are distorted views of reality and cannot be trusted over our own eyes. Finally, they refer to this approach as "the empirical approach." Claiming that this approach is a superior science to the currently accepted methods. 

Why it's Bullshit -

First these dick-nuts have no idea what the empirical approach actually means, even though they throw around scientific terms like virgins talking about sex. Empirical evidence is a type of evidence acquired through observation or experimentation by methods such as using scientific instruments like a microscope or thermal lenses. More importantly the empirical approach must record and analyze the observations before proclaiming that it is scientifically valid. It is never a guess and it is never immediately accepted as truth. Empirical evidence must be tested before being accepted as proof of anything. 

Second, the 5 senses cannot be trusted at all. We all know this and have experienced how easily our 5 senses can be fooled. If you've ever seen an optical illusion, a hologram or 3D movie you know that the eyes can be deceived into seeing something that isn't actually there. This applies more so to the rest of the senses because they are less precise than eyesight. Even after we've been told it's an illusion our eyes continue to be fooled. Our eyes (and the other senses) suck. They're as reliable as a fat fitness coach.  

Claim #3: What We've Seen In Airplanes Is Wrong.

The Flat Earth bunch claim that everyone who has ever been in an airplane to see the rounded Earth bellow is actually seeing something false because the windows are curved or some other bullshit (I can't remember everything they say). They're also claiming the plane doesn't fly in a circle around the Earth because the airlines are in on the conspiracy (again with the paranoia).

Why it's Bullshit -

This is the funniest and yet the saddest because  they are defeating their second argument of empirical evidence. They are claiming the 5 senses should be trusted over science, yet they say that our senses are being fooled by what we see in a plane. I'm guessing this is the kind of "very funny retardation" that Borat was referring to, because I just find this hilarious.

 I hope you enjoyed reading my first blog. 


  1. Any comments are welcome and I will probably respond within a day or two.

  2. It's sad that people actually believe the Earth is still flat..


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