Grinds my Gears: Reading Fiction Is Pseudoscience
What's pissing me off today? 8/8/2017
Yes, I understand the irony of
you reading my blog, but this is non-fiction. You're learning something, not much, but you can at least walk away after reading and say you accomplished something useful. Being forced to read works of fiction in school, work or by your girlfriend who joined a book club is just bullshit. I learned nothing and could have spent that time better. I could have been watching TV or lying in bed. I think we can all agree that reading sucks ass. It's an outdated form of media. These modern authors just expect me to use my "imagination" to picture what's going on in the story. Guess what nerds? Movies have taken your job and made it a million times better. Schools and books clubs need to toss all their fictional books in the furnace and turn them into something more useful: tinder! That's right, the only thing fiction books are good for is burning on a pike to keep warm or tossing inside an old train engine to keep it going "Choo-Choo" because that's totally cool.

You're wondering "How did I discover that reading sucks so much?" well I just finished reading The Picture of Dorian Gray which was forced on me by my English professor. It was nothing like the awesome and underrated movie The League of Extraordinary Gentleman. Dorian Gray didn't fight with a sword or drive a submarine. That book was the Victorian Era's version of Twilight with homo-erotic romance crap. After reading this piece of shit I'm never reading fiction again!
Does anybody else hate reading fiction? I'd love to have a chat about that.