
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Moon Landing Conspiracy Is Pseudoscience

5 Reasons Why The Moon Landing Conspiracy Is Pseudoscience   Calling The Moon Landing A "Conspiracy": A Denial Of Modern Science  In July of 1969 American astronauts and NASA accomplished what humans thought was impossible: we landed living humans on the surface of Earth's moon. Apollo 11 is arguably one of mankind's greatest scientific achievements and proof that Earthlings can go anywhere if we put our minds to it. However, the accomplishment has been slowly tarnished by a cluster of morons claiming that it never happened. The "moon landing was a conspiracy" began as early as 1976 with a book called "We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle". Just as with every  moon landing conspiracy theorist the book was written by a person who never properly studied physics or astronomy. The movement spread like herpes with the World Wide Web and videos of supposed "proof" that it was all staged. Here are 5 o...

Grinds my Gears: Reading Fiction Is Pseudoscience

Grinds my Gears: Reading Fiction Is Pseudoscience  What's pissing me off today? 8/8/2017 Yes, I understand the irony of you reading my blog, but this is non-fiction. You're learning something, not much, but you can at least walk away after reading and say you accomplished something useful. Being forced to read works of fiction in school, work or by your girlfriend who joined a book club is just bullshit. I learned nothing and could have spent that time better. I could have been watching TV or lying in bed. I think we can all agree that reading sucks ass. It's an outdated form of media. These modern authors just expect me to use my "imagination" to picture what's going on in the story. Guess what nerds? Movies have taken your job and made it a million times better. Schools and books clubs need to toss all their fictional books in the furnace and turn them into something more useful: tinder! That's right, the only thing fiction books are good for is ...

Grinds my Gears: Touch Screen Keyboards Pseudoscience

Grinds my Gears: Touch Screen Keyboards Are  Pseudoscience  What's pissing me off today? 8/6/2017  Touch Screen Keyboards, Touch Screen Games and Touch Screens in general What's pissing me off today? Well the fact that the whole world is obsessed with touch screens as being "the way of the future" and refusing to go back to the days of a keyboard attached to their smart phone. There's a large group of people who are probably just as annoyed: people with fat fingers, greasy fingers, sweaty hands, clumsy people and anybody who's ever had to use their phone after getting something messing on their hands. It's a stupid idea and I don't get what the big deal is about a touch screen with a physical keyboard.  That pisses me off! 

Grinds my Gears: Fat People on Scooters Pseudoscience

Grinds my Gears: Fat People on Scooters Is  Pseudoscience  What's pissing me off today? 8/3/2017  Part 1 of an endless series on things that stress me out So, what is pissing me off today? A fat guy on a rascal scooter at the grocery store, that's what. This would be perfectly fine if he had an actual disability of some kind, but I could clearly see him walking into the store and he was able to get himself into the scooter. The store employees didn't even ask to see some paperwork that he needed the scooter, so he basically let himself be lazy and the store doesn't try to stop it. Society has given up on solving the obesity problem!  Giving a person a wheelchair or some other mode of electric transportation does not  make sense, to anyone. How can the "fatty fatty two-by-four, can't get through the kitchen door" lose weight if he/she never walks at all? I always thought doctors took an oath to protect their patients even from themselves, but...

Flat Earthers Are Pseudoscience

3 Reasons Why A Flat Earth Is Pseudoscience       Flat Earth: A Denial of Physics This is my first blog post debunking the best and dumbest pseudoscience(fake science and pure bullshit), so I thought I would start with something easy and hopefully a subject that wouldn't bring too much hate. Although I'd love to debate and actual believer. first thought when I heard about a Modern Flat Earth Movement was "Is this a joke? This has to be a joke! There's nobody that stupid." I should have known better. People can always surprise you with their stupidity.  Claim #1: All Space Travel Is A Conspiracy! The easiest way for a sane intelligent person to disprove the Flat Earth movement is to simply show them one of the countless photos of the Earth taken from astronauts, satellites, weather balloons etc. showing a round Earth. Well according to the Flat Earth believers the generally accepted answer to space photos is that everything about space tra...