The Moon Landing Conspiracy Is Pseudoscience

5 Reasons Why The Moon Landing Conspiracy Is Pseudoscience Calling The Moon Landing A "Conspiracy": A Denial Of Modern Science In July of 1969 American astronauts and NASA accomplished what humans thought was impossible: we landed living humans on the surface of Earth's moon. Apollo 11 is arguably one of mankind's greatest scientific achievements and proof that Earthlings can go anywhere if we put our minds to it. However, the accomplishment has been slowly tarnished by a cluster of morons claiming that it never happened. The "moon landing was a conspiracy" began as early as 1976 with a book called "We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle". Just as with every moon landing conspiracy theorist the book was written by a person who never properly studied physics or astronomy. The movement spread like herpes with the World Wide Web and videos of supposed "proof" that it was all staged. Here are 5 o...