Alternative medicine: our savior or a waste of money?

Is Alternative Medicine Killing Us? Alternative medicine is prevalent in present society and also largely profitable. This ineffective and costly pseudoscience includes but is not limited to reflexology, magnet therapy, colon irrigation and as described by Penn Jillette “even though it might seem mainstream: chiropractic medicine” (Penn & Teller: Bullshit!). Complementary forms of healing are tempting to desperate or poor people, but alternative medicine is useless and can often time make an illness worse by prolonging actual treatment. It is shared knowledge that over a century ago people used to practice the barbaric form of medicine called bloodletting which was the method of bleeding someone purposely until the so-called impure blood was drained. People in the 21st century would assume these ass-backwards forms of ineffective healing are in the past, but they’re wrong, DEAD WRONG, because today people have spent billions of dollars on useless sh...